The Helen O’Grady Drama System, the Drama-in-Education program for today’s future leaders.
- Enthusiasm
- Confidence
- Self Esteem
- Communication Skills
- Social Skills
- Creativity
These aims are achieved through a highly developed, original, drama program which caters for the following groups:
- Little Tykes ( 3 – 4 years )
- Lower Primary ( 5 – 8 years )
- Upper Primary ( 9 – 12 years )
- Youth Theatre ( 13 – 17 years )
Each lesson is carefully planned. Curriculum includes introductory activites, speech, verbal dynamics, creative movement, dance drama, language development, structured improvisation, dialogue development, snippets, scene starters, mini-scripts, parent day presentations and end of year productions.
Above all, our classes are fun!
All Principals and teachers have undergone extensive training in Helen O’Grady curriculum and teaching methods.
Each lesson stimulates students to be fully involved and motivated. All students attend a one hour lesson, each week of the school year. Classes are held throughout the week in different locations.
Little Tykes ( 3 – 4 years)
Lower Primary ( 5 – 8 years)
Each week, our teachers engage these lower primary children with a new lesson plan filled with several segments of fun activities including warm up exercises, speech, movement, mime-to-music, improvisations, scene starters and conclusion activities.
Upper Primary ( 9 – 12 years )
All academy teachers are qualified and fully trained in the Helen O’Grady Drama System, ensuring that the contribution of each child is encouraged and valued in a warm, positive learning environment. Students participate in a wide range of activities covering speech, movement, dance drama, spontaneous improvisation, structured improvisation, snippets, dialogue developments, mini scripts and production.
Youth Theatre (13 – 17 years)
As with our classes for 3-12 year olds, the developmental side of the program is still important, encouraging our students to become confident, articulate communicators. However, the theatre arts side of the program is very comprehensive, covering spontaneous improvisation, voice production, small group improvisation with specific directives, mini scripts, character analysis, open ended duologues, theatre games, radio plays, quick fire dialogues, monologues and structured scenes.